Hypnos Contract Beds :: People & Community

People & Community

We care about the people we work with and our local communities

At Hypnos being a responsible business is at the core of everything we do. In fact, our approach to corporate social responsibility has been carefully created so that we can ensure we’re supporting and caring for our customers, employees, suppliers/farmers, communities and are always acting as conscientious global citizen.

To do this we have a range of initiatives, including working with local schools on various environmental projects such as donating trees for their sites, as well as a range of education programmes designed to help youngsters learn about the importance of sleep for health and learning. We have also supported local Young Enterprise schemes, helping the next generation of marketers, product designers and CEOs, by offering them mentorship from Hypnos employees.

In addition to this we also have an active Apprenticeship scheme. As part of this we’ve committed to filling 40 per cent of our projected 150 jobs that will be created by 2022, through this process alone.

We have also signed the Armed Forces Covenant pledging to proudly support those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, in our communities, with particular focus on providing employment opportunities.

But our efforts don’t stop here. We continue to donate beds to worthy causes, donating over 100 beds to children’s charities, hospitals and more over the past couple of years. Hypnos has also partnered with the charity, Magic Breakfast, which provides healthy breakfasts for children in disadvantaged areas of the UK so they are more prepared for the day ahead and ready to learn. Since 2017, Hypnos has raised over £60,000, helping to fund over 200,000 breakfasts.

"At Hypnos we’re committed to helping thousands more children start the day right by receiving a nutritious breakfast allowing them to enjoy a more focused learning experience."

Chris Ward, Marketing Director, Hypnos Beds

Our charity partner, Magic Breakfast is a registered children’s charity providing healthy breakfasts and expert support to schools in disadvantaged areas of the UK. A good breakfast is crucial for giving children the energy and concentration they need during their school day, and improving their overall education. Pair this with a good night’s sleep, something we are passionate in educating youngsters about, and it will help them to kick-start a busy day at school feeling refreshed and alert.

And we’re always looking at ways we can do more, which is why, as part of our bed recycling service, the furniture we receive that’s still got life in it is gifted to local charities such as the Air Ambulance or British Heart Foundation, for re-sale. This has helped to raise over £20,000 in 2018 alone.